Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Dataw Help

So on Sunday morning we woke up early, hoisted the dinghy and got the lines ready to tie up at a marina. We called TowBoatUS and then waited for them to arrive. We did have some forward movement with our transmission, but were worried that we wouldn't be able to fight the current. And we pay for the Tow Package every year and never use it, so - Time to Cash In!!

The tow guy was great and we moved along at a speedy 8 knots and made it to Dataw Island Marina in no time at all. The dockhands helped us get all our lines on and we both heaved a sigh of relief once we were safe and secure at the dock. Right after we tied up, I heard my name and looked over to see Caroline and her husband, Rudy, on their go fast boat coming over to the marina. I had apprised them of our situation and told them we would love to see them again since it seemed we were still in their area after all! So, they came over and checked on us and then we agreed to get together for dinner at their place.

We spent the day sweltering on the boat - Summer is upon us and here we sit with no air conditioning. The heat index was 105 degrees and we felt every degree of it. There was not even a breath of air to be felt to help relieve some of the heat. And even though we had all the fans on, the hot air was just being pushed around. So, when Caroline called and told us to be ready at 5 and they would come pick us up, we jumped at the chance to spend an evening indoors. We took cold showers and made sure the pets had plenty of water and fans facing every spot they liked to lie and we headed over to their house.

What a feast! We had fresh local shrimp for starters and then perfectly cooked, extra large steaks with fresh asparagus and potatoes and finished it all off with homemade peach cobbler a la mode. It was fantastic and we ate double our weight in food I think. And the company was fantastic! We all had a great time and we were so grateful to them for opening up their home for us - she even invited us to do a load of laundry!

Tomorrow morning we find out what the problem is with the transmission and how long it will take to fix it. It seems as if first on the list is going to be procuring an a/c unit in the next 24 hours!

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