Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weather Window

With Brad safely back on the boat, we have set our sights on our next adventure - heading South for the summer. A quick look at our To Do List and a double check of the weather has us looking at Friday as a departure date. This means that we will leave our current anchor spot on Thursday afternoon to head South to the end of Elizabeth Harbour so we can "stage" our departure for the following day. "Stage" means that you get in the best possible position to be able to leave at first light the following day. In this case, that is only about 5 miles South of our current spot - but this is 5 miles off our trek the following day. That's a whole hour, so that makes a big difference!

We worked on a few last minute boat projects today and started going over our provisioning lists to see what we need to get before we go. Luckily, we are more ready than we thought and should have everything done by Wednesday night, leaving Thursday for last minute errands and goodbyes with friends.

We are so excited for this next part of our trip and hope to catch up with some old boating friends along the way! Goodbyes are hard, but reuniting with old friends makes those a little bit easier.

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