Well, it appears that we are getting weathered in here in Marathon, FL. The winds are predominantly from the North, which means that we will not be crossing the Gulf Stream anytime in the near future. So, unfortunately, our trip is on hold for the time being. And, even more unfortunately, it seems that the winds seldom turn around to the South until January or February. Everyone cross your fingers and hope the conditions change so that we can continue on with our journey!
We are trying to make the best of the warm weather, meeting new friends and getting the boat in tip-top shape. The atmosphere here is great and everyone is very helpful and friendly. We will even be partaking in the Christmas dinner that the marina is hosting for all of us here!
In other news, we are trying to make money while living aboard. So far, we don't have any bright entrepreneurial ideas, but we did stumble across Google AdSense. So, whenever you visit our site, PLEASE PLEASE PLESE click on all or some of the ads that are listed on the blog page. We get a small amount of profit every time a visitor clicks on the site. You don't have to buy anything and can immediately close the site after opening it, but every little bit helps us out!
We appreciate everyone following our travels and hopefully we will resume our trip sooner rather than later.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!!
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